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tv   The Reid Out  MSNBC  December 5, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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look at the legacy, and try to own some of it, our theme we have discussed on politics and culture, and inspires, that's why i want to share this with you, part of a longer interview, i will say for those who ever visit new york city or happen to be in new york city, the exhibit is called king pleasure, and it is open until january 1st. you can go to i've been and enjoyed it. if you want to see the full interview, go to you tube and just search melber and basquiat. the t is silent like lasagna. thanks for watching "the beat," joy reid is live in georgia
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starting now. good evening, everyone. welcome to a special reid out rode show on the eve of voting in georgia's u.s. senate runoff. and the stakes could not be higher. it is the second time in two years that georgia voters will decide not just to represent the peach state and its values in the senate but also the direction of our country. and whether democrats will have a clear 51-seat senate majority in the new congress. now in a moment i will be joined by the incumbent, democratic senator rafael warnock. it's an election so critical that more than 1.8 million georgians voted early. in some cases, standing in long lines due to georgia's 2021 voting law that took aim at mail-in voting after peach state voters used it in 2020 to send president biden to the white house and democratic senators jon ossoff and rafael warnock to the senator, with georgia voters choosing between senator warnock
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and a republican opponent for what will be the second runoff in two years. warnock spent the home stretch making distinctions, and reminding voters of the urgency of their vote. >> i'm not mad he doesn't know what he's talking about. i'm mad that he doesn't know what he's talking about and he thinks he ought to be a united states senator. he's running for senate. he's not your uncle talking about the family reunion. we've got one more day to bring this thing home, and i want you to create a real 911 emergency. i want you to vote like it's an emergency. >> yes. >> as for herschel walker, here is his message to voters over the weekend. >> i don't feed a politician. he need that warrior. that's the one he put me for. why they bringing pronouns in our military. pronouns what the heck is a pronoun. i'm sick and tired of that pronoun stuff.
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senator rafael warnock will join me shortly. joining me is jason johnson, msnbc political contributor, and host of the podcast "a word with jason johnson" and latosha brown, cofounder of "black voters matter," thank you, friends. >> thank you. >> it's nice to be in your town. i love atlanta. >> atlanta is hot. we're hot in atlanta right now. it's a little cool but it's really hot. >> talk to me because the thing is georgia has to vote. it's like georgia is voting like every 18 months there's another election, and you're out here in these streets in the buses, the blackest bus in america, fabulous, what is your motivating message, and how motivated are the voters to do this again? >> it's really interesting. i've been out all day today, and voters are resolved and very clear about how critical this election is, and so there's more energy on the ground it feels like in this period than it was in the primary.
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i think people are very very focused. yes, we are tired. there is an element, but what i'm really really tired of is not having representation that literally is going to represent us, that we have the republican party to hand pick a candidate, pluck them out of texas with trump, and put them here and say that at the end of the day, they should be senator. no, i think the people of georgia are going to send him back to texas where he belongs. >> and not even just that. but somebody who the current lieutenant governor says is the worst candidate. let's just play it. can we play it? this is lieutenant governor jeff duncan. >> this wasn't the right brand for republicanism. and i think herschel walker will probably go down as one of the worst republican candidates in our party's history! >> now, jayson, i'm just going to say, i'm staring at marjorie taylor greene, matt gaetz, john
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kennedy, rick scott, medicare fraud, blake masters, dr. oz, j.d. vance, doug mastriano. >> none of those guys know how to debate whether they want to be a we are werewolf or a vampire. it's not you the resolve but actually like the numbers have said it. there's like 5, 6% of people who didn't vote in the midterms. those are enthusiastic people. those are not people who have been convinced by herschel walker who need to participate. they believe in raphael warnock. maybe playing for overtime. they're ready, voting, prepared, they want this to be over so the governing can start next spring. >> this will be a six-year term. people will get a break in this situation. i wonder if that's a motivating factor. our reporter at nbc, they have laid it out. there are something like 77,000 voters who didn't vote in
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november who are voting now. and is that because people maybe thought warnock was a shoe in before, and maybe now they're deciding. >> one, i think some people really recognized how critical it was. i think there were people who thought warnock was going to win and when they went into a runoff, wait, we have to do something different. i think that was a motivating factor. i think there's a motivating factor around the more that herschel walker talks, the more people are really just like, i really got to go vote now. i think they're more inspired to vote. that's an inspiring fact, and the third thing is, there are critical needs, there are implications around this election nationally, that in georgia we have critical needs, and i think the people of georgia are saying, it is time. this is no more play. this is time for us to really make sure we have representation. someone in the senate that we're going to have very six years that are going to fight for the people of georgia. >> i wonder if it was a mistake
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on the part of the handlers of herschel walker, people like lindsey graham who have said that the reason to vote for herschel walker is nothing to do with the state of georgia. nothing to do with what would help the state of georgia. he says vote for herschel walker so that, number one, republicans can say they're not racist, and number two, because somehow every black kid in america would want to be a republican. that is not respect for the voters if you say that's why you should vote for this guy. >> one of the worst memes is ted cruz and lindsey graham playing waldorf next to herschel walker, telling him what to say. operating his mouth. this is a guy, he was always incompetent, had a terrible background, his lack of representation from the state. not just being from texas. he probably couldn't find varsity, right off 75. when you get a chance to focus on the candidate, people are like what are the issues that matter in georgia. who is the guy who has been here, and who's the guy who just
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showed up. he was always a failed candidate but now he doesn't have the momentum of a fake red waive behind him, and it's harder for people to justify coming out and voting for him. >> you're out there, and seeing this. he's focused on pronoun, which i think every 4th grader knows what a pronoun is. he doesn't know what those are. that's fine. we'll leave that to the side. things like trans kids playing sports. it doesn't sound like he really does have a grasp of the issues he would be dealing with if he were in the united states senate because i don't think united states senators legislate pronouns. >> he's way over his head. the bottom line, we know he's incapable of serving in this position. we have real concerns. 1.5 million people in the state of georgia that are uninsured. we have one of the lowest minimum wages in the country. it's 5.15 an hour for minimum wage. who can actually live off that. when we're looking at critical issues with georgia, people care about that in georgia, and there's a third issue around voting rights, that we have not
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forgotten about sb 202, the voter suppression bill right, and it has had an impact. it's why the lines are so long. on one hand, we're celebrating, yes, they're long lines, it is a shame that people are standing in line two, three hours just to cast their ballot to vote. we need voting rights legislation, and we need an advocate like warnock that would go to the senate and fight for us. we have real people with real needs. >> the senate, it can be sort of a dry topic, right. what do they do. with 51 votes, democrats got stalled on a lot of the progressive parts of biden's agenda. he was able to get the bridges built and some things he could get past a certain senator from west virginia. with 51 votes, it changes the game. >> we can ignore kyrsten sinema or that senator from west virginia. one of the two will basically be
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blanked by this additional seat coming in, and that's huge. it matters for judges. >> absolutely. >> it matters for judges, and they are the people who are going to be able to protect our democracy in 2024 and beyond, and we see the republican insurrectionists use the law. they can't suppress the vote, and they can't cheat, they use the law and judges. warnock getting elected ensures that biden will fill the judiciary with judges that are going to represent the people and not just the special interests of a certain party. >> i have to ask a question about something mundane, but as somebody who worked in campaigns, it matters. it's raining today. tomorrow it's likely to rain. do you think that winds up having an impact because the walker side is counting on tomorrow being the whole ball game, and if it rains, i don't know if people have the motivation for heschel walker to make him a senator and come out and stand in the rain for hours. i don't know. >> i'll just say, i left the rain. like i literally just came out of the ground, we were on the rain in pittsburgh in the
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community here. people were coming out. people were coming outside. we were actually doing some christmas give aways in different place, and folks were saying they were very determined, they were going to vote. >> what was making them the most determined? what was the main thing? >> a couple of things. particularly in the african-american community. black people are upset. they feel insulted, that the republicans would pick a candidate and because he was a ballplayer that in some way, and if they planted this narrative that black men were not going to vote, and upset with the democratic party, those two things were enough to be fooled. we're far more sophisticated, and there's a certain level of feeling insulted and it's racist. and there's a motivating factor of who warnock is, a southern baptist preach e the minister of martin luther king's church. that is a lot of history to who we are in the south.
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those things are working. black folks are saying enough is enough. we can show you better than we can tell you. >> i have heard this from a lot of black men, even if they're not in georgia. there's a certain disrespect that a lot of black men feel that walker has been walked around by people like lindsey graham and used and put forward. they don't seem to respect him, and they don't seem to respect black people. >> and that's been the thing all along. we have talked about this before. the narrative that black men don't show up. it's not true. we didn't see it with governor abrams. we haven't seen it with warnock. black men are turning out to vote in the state like they have in other places. the other thing is this, hopefully, maybe, i don't know, the republicans don't seem to learn anything. they seem to think you can throw any old face out there, and black folks are going to be compelled and excited. you have to be something who's nominally competent, and heaven forbid you care about the community you're representing. these are things herschel walker
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doesn't do. right? you can't just throw him out there and say a black face is going to motivate people. i have to say in particular, this is something i heard from some of my friends here in atlanta. these hospital closings are huge. people in this area and throughout the state, we're still dealing with covid, and crazy viruses that come out with action movies, and a state that's losing hospitals needs an advocate. we need federal funding here. people are getting sick and dying. that is one thing herschel walker doesn't have. >> they have to do pragmatic things. latosha brown, jason johnson, we love these guys. thank you all very much. the aforementioned senator raphael warnock will join me, and herschel, there's still
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we are back with a special edition of "the reidout" on the eve of georgia's runoff. joining me now is senator rafael warnock from georgia. >> hey, joy.
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good to see you. >> good to see you. >> have a seat. >> wow. >> you have some fans. >> hey, all. >> senator. >> my goodness. >> how are you? >> i am doing great. >> are we going to do this every six months, you going to keep running for election every six months for the rest of your life. it's a lot. >> i need the people of georgia to do it just one more time. >> that was the chant earlier. your fans that were here at this wonderful place, manuel's tavern were chanting one more time. i have to ask you about that. at a certain point there has to be exhaustion that's setting in for your supporters, for your campaign, and the fact that georgia has bullet this runoff system which we know is a vestige of trying to get away from reconstruction and trying to make it harder. what do you make of that, georgia voters are tired of having to save the country over and over again. >> listen, the people of georgia
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are showing up, and i think it's because they understand how much is at stake. we've seen record voter turnout day after day after day, but here's the thing. i want people to understand that although we're seeing record voter turnout during this early voting period that ended friday, we need people to show up again tomorrow. and, look, folks who show up for something like this, they already voted they're going to vote. what i need them to understand is that even though you have already voted, your job is not done. your job is to get everybody in your circle to vote. your friends who say to you, i'm tired, imagine how tired you're going to be if you have to have herschel walker as your senator. >> i have so many questions i could ask -- >> that would be truly exhausting. >> i have people that have texted and called me from all over the country about your opponent.
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and, you know, what they feel that there's a certain amount of this election that is about the dignity, not just of the senate, not just of the state of georgia, but of black men to be blunt. that people, they don't feel that there's a dignity to that campaign. are you concerned that herschel walker and whatever his capacity is, his abilities are, that he is being used a bit by the other side, that the republicans don't want him to be a senator. they want him to be a tool. >> here's what we know. we know that he is unprepared. we know he's unqualified. and it gives me no pleasure to say this, but as a preacher, i'm in the business of truth telling, he's unfit to represent the people of georgia in the united states senate. [ applause ] and we've seen that time and time again. i do think it's disgraceful for someone who's running for public
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office to be unwilling to tell us the truth about the basic facts of their life. telling us lies that are easily disputable. like we all know that herschel walker is not a police officer. >> i mean, he had a badge. >> yeah, well he wears his lies as a badge of honor, literally. but we know he's not a police officer. and i think that tomorrow night the people of georgia are going to stand up and say, we know he's not a u.s. senator also. [ applause ]. >> the governor of this state who just was recently reelected despite all of that, and you know, his lieutenant governor has been very clear saying that he agrees with you about herschel walker, yet governor kemp is campaigning for him and doing what he can to try to get him elected. republicans are doing that because they still see him as a wedge in the senate. 51 votes for democrats versus 50. what difference in your view
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would that make for the country, for georgia? >> this race is about who is going to represent the 11 million people of georgia for the next six years. i think we tend to focus on a very short-term kind of situation too often in politics. this is a six-year term. and 11 million people, actually think who represents georgia is going to matter, and what i have demonstrated in the less than two years that i've been in the senate is that i will work with whomever i need to work with while being who i am if it helps me to do good work for georgia. and so it may be an inconvenient truth for some of my republican friend, but i'm the 18th most bipartisan senator in the senate. [ applause ] i know how to work with all kinds of people, and i think being a pastor may have something to do with that.
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it's just in my nature, my orientation. amen, brother. to find a way to work with folks. and let me just say that it really is the honor of my life to represent the people of georgia in the united states senate. it is a special thing for the people of your state to say, when we think about our lives, when we look into the eyes of our children and imagine the future that we want for them, when we think about our ageing parents and the burdens that come with the blessing of ageing, since we can't all go to washington, we trust you to go to washington and to be thinking about us and thinking about our families. for me, that's a sacred trust. it's something i take very seriously. and the people of georgia deserve a serious candidate, and that's why i believe that in a state that's not known to be a split ticket state, people are making the choices that they're making because, look, this race at this point given my opponent,
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this race is not even about republican versus democrat, red versus blue, right versus left, it's right versus wrong, and i think people see that. >> you talked about ageing. you posted a picture of your mom, who is lovely. >> yes. >> who went and voted. and you talked about the poignancy of her being able to vote for her son for united states senate, but just the ability to vote. we still are in the south. there are a lot of rules and laws that have made it more difficult to vote here, that have made it more difficult to vote in lots of states. georgia sort of was out front in that. was one of your priorities if you get back in the united states senate be something to do about voting rights. that's one of the unfinished pieces of business that was on president biden's agenda. can you see through to having a bill that could pass that with your vote as a 51st vote could actually get through the united states senate? >> you know, i was john lewis's
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pastor. >> john lewis. >> and he continues to inspire me. john lewis understood as i do that voting rights is not just one issue alongside other issues, democracy is the very house that we live in. it is the foundation upon which we get to fight for all of the other things that we care about, and so one of the things that i do lament is that inspite of all of the things that we got done, and what an incredibly productive time. we got a lot of things done. i wrote a bill that capped the cost of prescription drugs, capped the cost of insulin. i am sad -- [ applause ] -- i wish we could have gotten voting rights done, and it is something that i will continue to fight for because i believe in democracy, and i think that it's so important, and it is the reason why as we entered into
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the this runoff and state officials began to play with people's votes and voices and began to say that we couldn't have saturday voting because it was two days after a holiday, thanksgiving, and a day honoring robert e. lee, i sued them, and we won. and, you know -- [ applause ] -- they claimed -- state officials claimed their hands were tied, and so we took them to court, untied their hands, and they showed us their hands because they then appealed the judge's ruling twice, we won twice, and that's the only reason we had saturday voting a couple of saturdays ago. perhaps if we had passed the john lewis voting rights bill, i wouldn't have had to sue just to get the working people of georgia the opportunity they needed to exercise their constitutional right [ applause ]. >> another issue that drove a lot of people to the polls was the issue of abortion, and a
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woman's right to have self-determination over our own bodies. this is one of the hardest states in the united states for a woman to exercise her rightings, and this is also a state that's got tyler perry, and lots of industry and folks coming from out of state to work here in the industry. your opponent, herschel walker was one of the few people that was running in this cycle to stand up and support lindsey graham's idea of a national ban on abortion, which is something republicans would very much like to do. do you think that that is going to be a fight that you're going to have to have? are we looking at trying to fight a national abortion ban? >> well, i think that's one of the things that's on the ballot tomorrow, and it is herschel walker's position on this is extreme. he says he wants a national ban, no exceptions, that would include rape, incest, the life of the mother. i think that's out of step with the women of georgia, democrats
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and republicans. and it's one of the things that's on the ballot. and, you know, i get a lot of pushback from people who seem to think that they own the interpretation of the gospel, but i've been studying the scriptures my whole life. i'm committed to the faith. and as a pastor, i have a profound reverence for life, and as a pastor and a person of faith, i have a deep respect for choice. and i still think as i have said time and time again, a patient's room is too crowded a space for a woman, her doctor and the united states government, but if we care about life, you know, black women are lying three to four times the rate of white women in childbirth, as a result of childbirth, and so if you care about life, we ought to find a way. that's a place where government could show up and address the
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obvious bias in our health care system. >> it's what jesus would do. >> i think it's exactly what jesus would do. >> senator and reverend rafael warnock, i got to come to your church and check out your service one day. >> come on by, absolutely. anytime. >> take care. >> best of luck. coming up next on the reidout, the final hours of the campaign here in georgia tell us as "the reidout" continues live from gorgeous emanuel's tavern in atlanta. it's so good to see you person. n , injectable cabenuva. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by my healthcare provider, every other month. it's one less thing to think about while traveling. hiv pills aren't on my mind. a quick change in my plans is no big deal. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic
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yoyou ght t beurprpris welcome back, we are here in georgia, and you will notice that i did just speak with one of the two senate candidates in tomorrow's runoff. the other candidate, republican herschel walker, for whatever reason is not here. even though he did challenge me to a debate, and i accepted. and apparently i am not the only journalist having a hard time asking questions of walker who has avoided answering nearly every question that wasn't a softball delivered by the conservative media. he even had his campaign fencing off campaign reporters for fear, i guess, that they might shout a question at him. joining me now are two of my colleagues, two reporters who
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are closely covering this runoff, sahil kapur, nbc news senior political report, and vaughn hillyard, nbc news correspondent. i'm going to start with you, vaughan, you got one of the interviews of the season, an interview with one of the accusers herschel walker, and your attempts to get a response from mr. walker. here's the clip. >> he had his hand on my throat and my chest, and then he leaned back to throw a punch. and luckily i was able to avoid that, and the punch landed on the wall instead of me. >> it takes a lot of courage, really, to make allegations like this, and put your face out there, and step out there. she was courageous enough to talk to you.
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what has been the response of the walker campaign and of herschel walker himself? >> you know, cheryl parsa is a woman who sat down with us just yesterday in texas, and said she needed to put her voice out there, and she has been thinking about this for months. she needed to put her voice out there not only for herself but the other women who did come forward anonymously. the women who allege herschel walker paid for abortions, and we found out over the course of the summer, there were three children of his that the public did not previously know about. the last time we heard from a woman who went on camera and put her name forward with allegations was back in 2008. it was his ex-wife, cindy grossman who alleged that he put a gun to her head and threatened to shoot her, and then just two months ago, it was christian walker, his own son that alleged that his dad threatened to kill the family, and that's where cheryl said this happened back in the mid 2000s, i needed to come forward with my story.
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herschel walker since it was first published has not come forward and denied or even responded to her allegations here. this is a point where the campaign, i attempted to go and ask herschel walker on saturday at a football tailgate directly about 10 feet away from him, started asking and was pushed back from the campaign staff. >> and i think we have video. there we go. this is the attempt to ask him a question. how close are journalists able to get to herschel walker. >> this is the closest i was able to get to herschel walker. we had an event the night before. he was standing at the basketball hoop, and we had to go back to the half court line. he has not talked to non-right wing media since mid october. two months he has avoided answering questions about allegation, policy, substance, the man is running for the u.s. senate, i said can we ask questions, if he would be open to discussing with us at another time, let us know. we have not heard back. >> these are serious allegations that one would think the campaign would like to dispense
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with or respond to. have you had any better luck trying to communicate with her her shell walker and his campaign. what was your experience? >> he was more open. and more willing to talk to the press. this was before the general election when his campaign came in to that election beaming with confidence. they expected a very different electorate. their polls had herschel walker up 4 to 5 points, and they were telling people they believed he could win outright on election night. obviously that did not happen, and since then, joy, he has lost one of his strongest arguments for this seat in the state of georgia which is senate control was up for grabs. it is no longer up for grabs. there are a lot of republican voters who care a lot about, you know, the senate being in republican hands but who are iffy on herschel walker, a lot of those voters, independent voters, center right, moderate, suburban voters, cobb county, those are the people senator warnock has been making a play
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to in ads. it's not about left versus right, it's about right versus wrong, not about red versus blue, he's been threading the needle, stirring up the democratic base, and the independent voters who walker has struggled with. >> one of the other things we have seen is the republican establishment in the state of georgia sort of skirt around herschel walker, right, so you've had the governor campaigning for him. has he commented about any of these, i mean, jeff duncan, the lieutenant governor is antiwalker. >> i sat down with governor walker on thursday. >> the republican. >> governor kemp, excuse me. with governor kemp on thursday, and "the daily beast" published the initial account of cheryl parsa 15 minutes prior and i read him part of the account, and he said there are questions about both candidates' character. he never commented on or defended, i should say, herschel walker as a person. he didn't say good things about herschel walker. for him he said he wants a republican partner in the u.s.
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capitol to work with here, and that is how he has justified his support for herschel walker, which is very much what we have seen over the course of the last seven years ever since donald trump entered the fray. >> it will be interesting if he tries to show up on mlk to go to ebenezer baptist church after saying that. let me ask you about some of the electorate. there's been a lot of interesting data. i have been using your data all day. i want you to talk about it. there are a lot of voters who seem to have skipped the november vote but are voting now, and they are very demographically interesting. >> that's absolutely right. 77,000 voters skipped the general election and have turned out just in the early vote in georgia, and it made me wonder, who are these voters. we have them on the screen. we have this graphic. three of the biggest groups of voters that didn't turn out in the general election are voters under 30, hispanic voters, and asian american voters. we know they are democratic leaning constituencies. if their votes mirror their preferences overall, that will be good news for rafael warnock, and it shows there's a
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contingent of democratic voters who according to one canvasser i spoke to for warnock thought no one would take herschel walker seriously. thought warnock would win in a walk. that did not happen. herschel walker came within a point, and now the voters appear to have woken up. the early voting electorate is disproportionately female, african-american. democrats in the previous early voting state for the general election had an 8 point lead in partisan preference. now it's 13, i'm sorry, 12 points. >> very interesting. the expectations going into november and how that's playing out. two of the very best. sahil kapur, vaughn hillyard, good job on getting cheryl par sa. give it up. the first and only gen z
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congressman, maxwell frost will be here. campaigning for senator warnock. he joins me next. more reidout from emanuel tavern. from emanuel tavern [clap] now, as businesses we can blame and shame. or... [whistles] we can make a change. [clap] we can make work, work for our communities. create more equal opportunities. [clap] it's time for business to show its true worth. because it's not goodbye, world. it's hello, team earth. [clap] ♪ kevin! kevin! kevin? oh nice. kevin, where are you... kevin?!?!?.... hey, what's going on? i'm right here! i was busy cashbacking for the holidays with chase freedom unlimited. i'm gonna cashback on a gingerbread house! oooh, it's got little people inside!
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heavily democratic counties like cobb and henry. so far, gen z voters, people born in 1997 and later are lapping their older millennial counter parts and are on par with their gen x parents. voting is particularly strong in fulton county where atlanta is located and big college towns like athens, leaving nothing to chance, senator raphael warnock has called on the heavy hitters to boost turnout, including someone who knows a little bit about gen z voters. joining me is representative elect maxwell alejandro frost of florida, the first person from gen z to be elected to congress. i feel like i see you every month. >> i know. >> i just saw you in florida. >> exactly. >> and i haven't had a chance to congratulate you since you were elected. well, on video, but not in person. congratulations again. >> thank you so much. >> so you were out stumping for the incumbent, tell me about the event you guys did today, with ossoff as well. >> we were at georgia tech this
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morning. it was standing room only. it was completely full. everyone in there had voted and we told them your job is not over. you got to get five to ten friends to vote too. it was an amazing event. young people excited to reelect senator reverend rafael warnock, and continue to build the progressive apparatus in georgia so it's not this close ever again. it is a blue state. >> what is your elevator pitch to voters of your generation of why they should do this again? >> what i always tell folks is this, i think a lot of young folks are worried about the fact that they believe when they vote nothing happens, and we have to be honest, we understand a vote today won't change the world tomorrow, but what it allows us to do is put out the landscape for the next six years, and if you get to choose your battlefield when waging battles on abortion rights, gun violence, climate crisis, and wouldn't you take that opportunity. the honest bluntness with young people is what gets them. a lot of times they're shame
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into voting, and people want something to vote for, not against. >> and we're seeing this generational shift in the democratic party, on the house side, you have the new young leadership team coming in. do you think it makes a difference to have younger faces and does that in your mind get younger people more interested? ossoff, that's a young look. rafael warnock, he's a young dude. do you think that's motivating in and of itself? >> i do and representation matters. people see someone who looks like them. diversity in congress is about skin color, experience, where you come from, the way you act, who you are, having that diversity, especially having younger people in congress is fortunate because it's going to bring out young people, but it's going toi wonder for you, thouge just ran in your first election. you are a young dude. you are already after i get, start sort of a star surrogate. is it overwhelming for you to be in the position you are in
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right now? or maybe you are post millennia largest used to it, right? >> it is overwhelming, but i feel extremely supported. right? we said, look. we told our senators team, if you want to stop there, we will come out. it is not -- there is not one politician that will save us all. i come from the movement world. it has been a movement on the outside and the inside the walls of congress. more leaders who give a crap about our health, our life, seven generations in the future. i see that in the center and that's why come up to the north -- >> you are doing a skate park, all sorts of events. what are you hearing back from young people? what do they want from government? >> it is one to see that the government works for them they want to see their elected officials fight. there's something a reverend warnock said this morning that side with me. that patients are sometimes used a derogatory term for young people, but i am used here to stirrup that impatience. remind me of the young people at those passes and citizens. they were impatient. now you can i can be here
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because of their impatience. for us i think it's important easter up that impatience. >> youth vote back to senator warnock 53 to 46 -- to 41. it was the youth share the vote. he was 13% that higher than the national rate. young folks are actually getting involved. is this generation that you think is going to change the country? >> i do believe so and i want to just say it should just be incumbent on this generation in this all of us a multi racial, multi generational movement coming together to fight for the world that we deserve but but gen z is excited. we've been looking around this world wondering why haven't these problems been solved, we are not complaining we want to be part of this. >> have a conversation with gen x, time worried about -- >> don't let jen alex -- don't let gen z take it. all >> all that you say that. >> -- an official, official political star. thank you so much. congratulations --
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in theaters christmas. join for free on the xfinity app. ♪ ♪ ♪ xfinity rewards. our thanks. your rewards. oh and i'm back! i pay everybody, i'm back! but here manuals tavern in atlanta, georgia. we are going to talk to this beautiful crowd here and ask them the key question, what is it that got you to the polls? >> intelligence -- >> intelligence concerns for everybody's rights. >> -- >> competent representation. >> women's rights. >> what was right. >> women's rights. >> abortion rights. >> there is nothing about
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herschel walker that makes him a qualified candidate, that got me. >> i agree with what she said. >> tell us how she really how you really feel. >> abortion rights. >> what was very productive -- >> truth. >> reproductive rights. >> reproductive rights. >> democracy and human rights. >> democracy. >> democracy and herschel walker. >> i love your hair by the way, i'm being really -- euless. >> a woman's right to choose. >> democracy and honesty. >> the honor of don louis. >> okay, yes! [applause] >> a proud black man. >> democracy in voting rights. >> this moxie. >> yes. , let's go this way. like all you to the polls? >> -- >> voting rights. >> voters rights. >> -- >> women's rights. >> democracy and women's rights.
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>> -- >> he didn't have the ability to be a senator. >> intelligence or a lack of. >> a nice way -- >> women's rights and voting rights. >> voting rights and judicial appointments. >> black lives matter. >> okay! [applause] >> d.c. statehood. >> voting rights. >> democracy. >> voting rights. >> yelled out. >> a woman's right to choose. >> voting rights and also pro vampire -- >> vampires have a representative right here. somebody ask about vampires. >> first of all, you, joy in preserving democracy. >> affordable health care. >> well no one care about the werewolves? well now we care about the werewolves? >> choice. >> women's rights. >> judges in democracy. >> democracy and herschel running off back to texas. >> truth! >> here we go.
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>> legalization of cannabis. >> [applause] >> well said, well said. >> democracy is a verb and georgians are the action. >> health care. >> health basic human rights. >> voting rights. >> women's rights and climate. >> climate! >> -- >> climate action. >> immigration. >> democracy. >> that's one over here, let's see if we can -- >> women's rights and misrepresentation. >> education. >> human rights. >> democracy! >> respect. >> saving -- >> yes. okay, regulating guns? >> thank you for having us! thank you to everybody at manuals tavern. tomorrow i will be in new york with coverage of the election. rachel maddow, nicolle wallace, me, all of our friends join tomorrow night. thank you georgia, love you
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